Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A simple tip to reduce blood alcohol level

Slow down the speed of that first alcoholic drink to extend about one hour.
“If you skull the first drink, your blood alcohol level goes right up and your body will try to keep it there for the rest of the night”. If you slow down that first drink – you are less likely to drink as much throughout that evening. A simple piece of advice from David McGrath of NSW Health Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Office.

The good news is that in Australia the quantity of alcohol consumed has fallen slightly since 2007-2008 to 9.95 litres per person per year according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. By comparison the Irish drink more than 13 litres per person. Germans, French, Spanish and British drink approximately 11 litres per person per year.
These days, problem drinkers are more likely to seek help.
Help is available from government services.

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