Our bodies can't produce tryptophan so we need to get it through our food.
Amino Acids are protein fragments, so it is protein-rich foods that can keep your serotonin levels in the happy zone. And the need for serotonin may even explain why we crave carbs - the blood-to-brain absorbtion of tryptophan is helped by carbohydrates, so those cravings may be our brains crying out for more serotonin.
This means protein and tryptophan-rich foods-such as chicken and turkey, tuna and salmon, beans and seeds - can be most effective when eaten alongside slow-release carbohydrates.
If you can improve your diet to include more tryptophan-rich foods, as well as increasing exercise, cutting out caffeine and sugar, and drinking more water, this will boost sertotonin production - doctors claim acts "exactly the same way as anti depressant drugs"
Extract taken from "How to lift your mood with the right food" SMH 22 April 2010
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